University on-campus dorm
  • All participants will be placed in a double occupancy room of our on-campus dormitory.
  • Each room is furnished with two single beds, bedding, desks, chairs, wardrobes, a phone, WiFi, A/C, and a private bathroom. Towels and cleaning supplies are not provided. 
  • A variety of facilities are also available for students’ convenience such as a laundry room, restaurant, gym, convenience store, etc.
  • Students don’t need to bring bedding from home. Western style bed sheets aren’t widely used in Korea; a Korean style sheet/mat for use on the bed as well as a blanket and pillow are provided to each student.
  • When double rooms are full, you may be assigned to a 4-person room.
  • Please note that students can stay in the dorm only for the length of the program period.

TB test results
  • For the safety of all residents in the dorm, it is required that participants do a tuberculosis test (chest x-ray, skin test or blood test) and submit the results upon arrival.
  • The test should be taken within the 2 months prior to the dorm move-in date.
  • A record of vaccination for tuberculosis is NOT acceptable.
  • You can use any documentation provided by your health care provider.
  • If participants do not submit an acceptable report, they must have a test done in Korea upon arrival (cost 20,000 won).
Expenses Guide

It is hard to estimate a budget since expenses will vary depending on personal lifestyle. But here are some examples of what things cost:

Public Transportation to Seoul approx. 3,000won/one way Restaurant 7,000~15,000won
A bottle of water 1,000won 1 liter carton of milk 2,500~4,000won
Starbucks tall size Americano 4,100won McDonald’s Big Mac set 6,400won
Bread or buns in a bakery
(Note : bread is eaten as a treat so they’ll be sweet.)
2,000~5,000won Movie at theater 9,000~14,000won
(varies depending on time/date)
Admission to a museum, temple, or palace 3,000won Laundry (wash and dry) 3,000won